Monday, 2 January 2012

Beadery ~ New and improved uppers!

These uppers are for a commissioned pair of wrap-around moccasins,
requested by a super cool gardening yoga instructor!

The design is based on my own pair (see October 15th 2011 post),
but the beadwork on these is much, much, much, nicer.
With every new project, my sewing and designs improve. Someday I will be REALLY good!

Will post pictures of the finished product (hopefully soon!) which will be sent to Mexico.

Beadery ~ Call me! iPhone holder

I love the challenge of creating original custom pieces that people will cherish.

This iPhone case was a commissioned work.  The lovely young lady asked for earthy colours, with burgundy, brown, and cream.  She has excellent taste as it proved to be a great combination!

The material is brain-tanned deer, seed beads, and a caribou antler button.